This is a common question in the Facebook Prong collar group I admin:
“My dog still pulls! What do I do?”
If your dog is still pulling despite having the prong collar on and properly fitted, it’s likely that the pressure (consequence) is worth the reward (walking forward). To stop this, you will need to go back to basics. back to the pressure/release exercise from the previous lesson.
Another common cause is you are hesitating, or waiting for your dog to figure out that you started moving. what that does is allows him to sort of “finish what he’s doing” so to speak. Refer back to the heel exercise in a previous lesson and do not wait for your dog before changing directions.
In the video above, I show you how to correct your dog forging using about right turns (180°) to watch a video of me training Dante to heel with distractions using only my body to signal my movement. He does get a couple corrections, but learned quickly to pay closer attention to where I am. This has remained true over a year later as of this writing.
This is a video I posted showing how I effectively correct excitement with the prong collar using the dog’s forward momentum.