Are you struggling with your dog’s bad behaviour? Wondering how to put an end to the mischief? As a professional dog trainer, I’ve helped countless pet owners put a stop to unwanted behaviours. In this blog post, I’ll share some of my top techniques for training your dog and achieving desired results. Keep reading to learn more!

Start with basic obedience commands such as sit, place, come, and down
Dog training is essential for any canine companion and should start with simple commands such as sit, down, place, and come. Establishing these basic obedience commands sets a strong foundation for the pup and starts to develop the bond between dog and owner. Dog owners should practice these commands frequently in various settings and reward positively with treats. Doing this will help to reinforce the behaviors that are desired such as sitting when told and coming on command. Dog training should be an enjoyable experience that promotes positive reinforcement so that your dog learns valuable skills while having fun!
If your dog is barking excessively, try using a bark collar and/or training him with a place command

Taking the time to train your dog on proper behaviour, such as when and how much to bark, can have many long-term benefits. If you find yourself dealing with excessive barking, a bark collar can help enforce the commands you’ve already taught your pet. Relaxation techniques may also be employed to calm your pet and let them know it is not necessary to overreact to certain stimuli. With continued effort, a place command or other methods of training can be supplemented until the desired behaviour has been achieved. In the end, your dog will be much more pleasant for everyone around him by following these guidelines.
If your dog is chewing on furniture, or other items, correct and redirect when you catch them and provide him with chew toys, bones and other items made for this purpose
Keeping a watchful eye on your canine companion is essential to preventing furniture chewing, so immediate corrections when caught are necessary. Provide plenty of Kong and Gorilla Chew toys for them to hone their dental health, as well as raw bones or all-natural treats that satisfy their need to chew; Kong products are especially helpful for destructive behaviour since dogs love the challenge of trying to get the treat out. Don’t forget to reward them with applause and pats when they participate in good behaviour instead of destructive tendencies. Utilize these dog training tools before replacing home furnishings or other objects!
If your dog jumps on people, have him sit or go to their place before you greet visitors and put him in in a place command or in their crate when you’re entertaining
Crate training and teaching your dog a place command are two excellent methods to ensure your pup remains calm when you’re greeting visitors. Crate training allows owners to put their pup in the designated area for a short period of time which can teach them to associate being there with good and positive experiences. Utilizing a place command can be beneficial for more immediate moments such as when guests arrive, by allowing you to give your pup a specific spot and asking him or her to go there before entering your home. This can quickly condition them to remain calm when guests come over and avoid any unwanted jumping on your visitors. Be consistent with your commands and rewards, and remain patient while training your dog

Training your dog can be a tedious process, but it plays a crucial role in helping them understand what behaviours are acceptable and which are not. The key to successful training is consistency and patience; the same command should be used each time, and rewards should only be used to encourage good behaviour. Correcting unwanted behaviours can help steer your pup in the right direction, but ensure these corrections don’t cause any distress. By rewarding what you do want, your four-legged friend will soon learn the commands you have instructed them while avoiding things they know they shouldn’t do. With consistent commands and rewards, you and your dog can look forward to a lifetime of happy walks together!