Teaching Your Dog To Come When Called: Sanity Saving Tips To Help You Train A Solid Dog Recall Starting Today

Stop pulling your hair out and start training your dog to come when called. Learn how to teach a strong dog recall and how to avoid common training mistakes.
Training Your Dog Using Superstitious Fears Is Possible And Effective – If You Do It Right. Here’s How It Works.

As a responsible dog owner, keeping your dog safe is always a top priority. Creating superstitious fears to make the most of your dog’s natural tendency to avoid things that are scary or uncomfortable is an effective way to help your dog feel secure and safe within the boundaries you, his owner, have set for him.
E-Collars Are Not Mean And “Positive Only” Training Doesn’t Work.

Dogs need both positive and negative reinforcement for effective training. This is why so called “positive only training” doesn’t work. Find out how training tools like e-collars help to teach dogs boundaries and self-control as part of their training.